Thursday, May 31, 2012

Preaching of Hatred

GREENSBURG, Ind. — An Indiana church is on lock down and its pastor has left for an undisclosed location after a video recording surfaced this week of a toddler singing an anti-gay song at the church altar, that included the lyrics, “Ain’t no homo going to make it to heaven.”

Two more “men of God” are on record as advocating for the death of gays and lesbians

Worley says that he's figured "a way out." to deal with the homosexuals. He suggests building a large fence -- 150 or 100 miles long -- and putting all the gays and lesbians inside it.
"And have that fence electrified 'til they can't get out," he says. "Feed 'em. And you know what, in a few years, they'll die out. Do you know why? They can't reproduce."

     Once I finally decided to come out as gay I decided I was just going to live my life and not worry. I figured those who came before me had pretty much paved the way. It wasn't until Amendment One was passed that I began to actually worry. Just as soon as it was passed the monsters came out of hiding, believing that religion and now the constitution gave them the right to treat humans as secondary citizens. Children are born and nurtured by love, they are innocent and pure. It saddens me that a toddler is singing "ain't no homo going to make it to heaven", he wasn't born for hatred, he is being taught hatred by the people around him.
     How can a man of God call for the murder of a human being, when the bible he clutches so hard and preaches by every Sunday clearly says: tho shalt not kill, love thy neighbor as thy love thy self. The God really asked of us is to live by the 10 commandments and do our best as humans.
     As far as putting the gays in electric fences: I'm not procreating. My mom and dad where male and female. As long as men and women are procreating there will always be homosexuals.
     I could move to one of the states that allows gays to get married, and live a peaceful life among the straight people, but that would be letting them win. Through my pain and anguish I will stand and fight for the things that are rightfully mine given to me the day I was born an American citizen.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

These are things that make you go hmmm. Some of them are valid questions that I would like to know the answer to. Others can be explained but still give you something to think about. And this is what I think about when I zone out at work on a hamburger night.

Why is it called a hamburger? It's made out of beef, doesn't that make it a beefburger?
Why do women wear evening gowns to go out at night? Shouldn't they be wearing night gowns?
Why do we park on a driveway, but drive on a parkway?
Why are there locks on the door of stores that are open 24/7 365 days a year?
Why do doctors call what they do practice? Shouldn't they be good at it by now?
If corn oil comes from corn and olive oil comes from olives, where the heck does baby oil come from?
If a turtle loses its shell is it naked or homeless?
Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?
Why do banks charge you a "insufficient funds" fee on money they already know you don't have it?
If a rabbit's foot was actually lucky, wouldn't it still be attached to the rabbit's leg?
Why does Goofy talk and wear clothes while Pluto barks naked?

Gay Agenda

     You place bibles in every hotel room, stand on street corners holding signs, insist God be on money, churches on nearly every corner, and go door to door of strangers you don't know teaching the good word and your worried about the gay agenda. Seems to me the only one who has an agenda is you. My agenda is to get up every morning, go to whatever job I currently have and give them my all so can take care of my family.
     Don't think I am bashing religion, just like everyone else I've gone to church and I believe in God and I believe he gave his only son to pay for my sins. I know he planned my path before he ever created me. I also know the bible was written by a human being and in such a way that it can be interpreted in any way that the reader chooses to use it. I refuse to believe in a church that condones the down right hatred and open approval of the murder of another human being because of their sexuality. I have a hard time believing that God can be the hateful person religious people make him out to be. What I believe is God made me in his image. I am exactly the way he made me, and God doesn't mess up.

Remember We Are All Human and Children of God